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“I am as healthy as a horse”. A very common idiom used in everyday conversations to claim just how healthy a person is.



However, physical health is not the only segment of our body that need tending to. Mental health is just as important, if not more, and requires just as much concern and attention.


According to latest World Health Organization (WHO) mental health’s registry, around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental health condition, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds.

Mental Health Burden


Mental health disorders do not only pose the burden of detrimental effects to one’s mental and emotional being; it can also have a substantial effect on all areas of life, including school or work performance, relationships with family and friends, and the ability to participate actively in the community. Mental health disorders, to some extent, will eventually manifest itself with physical presentations.


How to Detect Mental Health Disorders


The most debilitating fact about mental health disorders is that these disorders seldom present itself physically, until it is already too late. 1 in 8 adult lives with mental health disorder, and only 15% of them seeks and is getting help for it.


Help is always available around the clock. The lack of awareness and shame of stigma around mental health disorder put an unfortunate and invisible brake to patients from getting the much-needed help and assistance.

Getting Help


2019 was a tragedy that saw a significant raise in number of mental health disorders. The emotional scar of losing loved ones, anxiety of being quarantined for a long period of time, and distress of losing source of income pile further burden to an already fragile mental health state.


Going to new era of mental health awareness, WHO and partners worldwide work hard to improve the mental health of individuals and society at large. Events, fundraisers, talks and consultations, both physically and virtually, offer help to those who are in need; these platforms also become a medium to those who seek to spread awareness and offer help.


Peer support, therapy sessions, and community participation can boost mental health. Talk to family and friends, as it can help in both identifying those who need it, as well as those who can be of help. Seek mental health with physical health. “A healthy mind comes with a healthy body”. Prevention is always the route to a better mental health.

World Mental Health Awareness Month



In conjunction with this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month, we at PMCare Sdn Bhd vow to spread help and awareness in not just the importance of physical well-being, but also a healthy and strong mental well-being too. A healthy workplace, that will benefit the mind as much as the body, is the key to a better mental health. Spread positivity at the workplace, bring smiles back home, and spread happiness to the world.


Going with “Mental health is a universal human right”, lets all give love, to receive love.

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