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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Indai. Tina. Sinak. Okaasan. Mak. Ibu. Mama. Bonda. Ma. Ummi. Amma. Mummy. Mom. Mother. However she is called, she works the toughest yet most rewarding job in the world. No list of Job Descriptions could suffice for a lifetime’s worth of this occupation.


PMCare would like to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!👩‍🍼👩‍👧‍👦

Your love, sacrifice, and dedication to your children and family are truly inspiring. May this day be filled with love, joy, and appreciation for all that you do. Thank you for everything you do and for making the world a better place with your love and care. You are cherished and valued beyond measure! ❤️


From all of us at PMCare 💙🕊

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